Thursday (2/27)- 2 Corinthians 4: 1-2 What causes you to lose heart? How can we ask the Holy Spirit to fill us up again with hope?
Friday (2/28)- Luke 9: 28-36 Why did Peter want to set up three shelters? How do we shelter ourselves from the challenges of the world?
Saturday (3/1)- Luke 9: 37-43 This scripture reminds us that mountaintop experiences are important, but eventually we need to descend like Jesus, back into the suffering and pain of the world. Do you think you have the power to rebuke evil? Why or why not?
Sunday (3/2)- Worship in person or online.
Monday (3/3)- Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17 What could you choose to fast from this coming Lent that is standing in the way of deepening your relationship to God?
Tuesday (3/4)- Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-21 What are the treasures of heaven?
Wednesday (3/5)- Psalm 91:1-2, 12-17 Does this Psalm mean that if you are a believer, no harm will come to you? What is the deeper promise of this Psalm?
Thursday (3/6)- Romans 10: 8b-13 Confess with your mouth today and believe in your heart that Jesus the Christ has redeemed you.
Friday (3/7)- Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Have you been giving to God with what is leftover in your life or from the first fruits of your harvest? Reflect on your giving today to see if it would be found wanting from God.
Saturday (3/8)- Luke 4: 1-13 Do you remember a time that you went through a “desert” of testing? How did God rescue you?
Sunday (3/9)- Worship in person or online.
New Market United Methodist Church
5501 Old New Market Road, PO Box 111, New Market, MD 21774
tel: (301) 865-3530 fax: (301) 882-7623
Copyright © 2025 New Market United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.